How Do We Grow Potted Roses?
Roses are grown in a field for about eighteen months before they are ready to be lifted and sold. First, the rootstocks are planted in spring (on our nursery this is usually towards the end of March) and then budded in the summer of the same year of planting. The following winter we cut off the rootstock about one centimetre above the bud that was grafted onto the plant at budding. The roses are then left to grow through the following summer, and are ready for lifting from November onwards. After this point they may be sold as bare root plants or potted and sold through the following summer and autumn as potted plants.
All potted roses have therefore been lifted from a field and potted to continue growing in the nursery before being sold.
When To Plant Your Roses?
New Season Roses
We consider these to be roses bought between November and mid-April, because we pot our roses from November until March. Plants bought at this time will be in various stages of establishment in the pot; pre-Christmas, the roots will at first be dormant, but depending on temperatures will slowly begin to grow, producing fleshy white new roots spreading out through the compost towards the edges of the pot. At this time the roots are too delicate to handle and they will easily break away from the plant if planting out is attempted too early. They are also vulnerable to freezing, so before April, it's best to leave them just as they are in the pot they were delivered in. Damaging the root by attempting to plant will most likely result in plant loss.
Our leaflet which accompanies each delivery explains this and how best to look after the plant.
Root growth continues gaining pace as spring comes and temperatures rise, until sometime from mid-April (depending upon the weather we get) when the roots will have matured. The roots will turn from white to brown and the root system is then strong enough to allow successful planting.
Potted Roses from May Onwards
Rose bushes bought from May onwards will have a well-developed root system, and have plenty of top growth with fresh green leaves. As the summer develops they will arrive with flower bud or have open flowers. At this time, roses can be planted on delivery, but take care to read the planting and watering instructions as they must not be allowed to dry out after planting.
Potted plants make good gifts, they are easier to handle for most people than bare root plants, they also extend the planting season and create an instant impact.